Thats the only word I can think of when I look at my life right now. I never thought in a million years I'd be where I am today but now that I am, I couldn't be happier. It's taken a very long time and a lot of patience to get where I am today.
I have 2 months left til I become a mom and although, like I've mentioned, I'm scared, I know that things are going to be ok. Chad has been such a different person not only in the last year and a half, but knowing that we have our baby girl on the way, he seems like even more of a different person. We had some pictures taken a few weeks ago, and to just look at those pictures, I can't help but think how great our lives are going to be and how great they are now.
I think back to the days where we weren't as good as we are now and realize that we both needed the time to grow up and learn what we really wanted. I always knew I wanted him, but I also knew I didn't want to lose myself. Well, I found myself and got him an adult who realized what was important in life. What did he want? I'm not 100% sure, but what he got was a reality check and a second chance to make our life right. And looking back I can say that even through all the hurt, it was worth it. It was worth the hard work and time spent apart to get where we are today.
They say that true love always finds its way back and I firmly believe that. Soon, we'll have a beautiful little girl and our lives will be even more perfect.